Xmas message from The Carters - 2020

Xmas message from The Carters - 2020

As we have done for a number of years we are not sending cards, instead we have given a donation to Isabel Hospice, a local charity.  This year I am doing a "Walk of Fire" across hot coals all donations to Isabel Hospice.  If you would  like to donate please click on the link below:

This has been a very strange year.  We hope this message finds you safe and well and not suffering unduly from the rules and regulations we are having to live our lives by.  We wish you all a safe and happy Xmas with as much contact with your family as you judge to be sensible.  As we enter 2021 it seems we will not be out of the woods until well into the year as the vaccine rollout runs its course.  Whatever your decision with regard to the pandemic we hope 2021 is a much better year for you and your family.

Much we planned for 2020 has been cancelled.  We were lucky enough to have a family celebration for Natalie's 40th birthday and Thea's 1st birthday in February on a skiing trip to Slovenia just before lockdown.  We returned via Northern Italy which was just going into full lockdown, close shave!  Otherwise, we have had a quiet, safe and isolated year, who would have thought we would all be video conferencing by the end of the year.

Our garden and local wood gave us much to do in lockdown with Rosie getting 2 long walks a day.  Fiona in the morning and Graham in the afternoon.  Many projects achieved in the home including a new firepit and patio, new trampoline area and a tree swing for the grandkids.


We have missed close contact with our family.  After Lockdown One we resumed childcare for Thea which was lovely, but due to "bubble" definitions we have been unable to provide much after school support for Devon.

In September, when everything was looking better and numbers were down we took a trip to the Norfolk coast and some wild glamping for a few days.  It was very much the calm before the storm.

Whilst the regulations allowed, after Lockdown Two, we jumped into a car with our bubble and drove across all the Tier 3 areas in the Midlands to have a week's break in the Lake District, which was a welcome but isolated break. The Beatrix Potter experience was very strange, just 2 families in the exhibit and all the interesting touch screen pads sellotaped over.   

For many years Fiona has wanted to go to Wimbledon, and this year we successfully booked tickets and just like Glastonbury the event was cancelled and tickets optionally rolled over to next year.  

Fingers crossed for a better 2021, we hope all the events we planned for 2020 will go-ahead in 2021, guess it will be touch and go as to them taking place.  We look forward to a better year and wish you the same.

With love and best wishes to all.

Graham, Fiona, Natalie, Olivia, Robert, Karen, Lyndsey, Devon and Thea
